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Bougainville Live Community Latest News

The Bougainville-based employees of PNG mining company Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) have been supplied with new uniforms to support their work.

As reported by the PNG Post Courier, the uniforms were flown in from Port Moresby and were distributed among the staff during a team meeting on one of the local islands. The new kit includes long mosquito repellent pants and shirts and a sturdy pair of steel capped safety boots.

BCL has a growing team in Bougainville which includes senior project officers as well as a network of Village Liaison Officers.

The BCL team members gave the new uniforms a big thumbs-up and added that they would wear them with pride as they went about their work.

They said the uniforms gave them a greater sense of identity as the company continued to build further trust and positive relationships with titleholders and other stakeholders in Bougainville.

Additional uniform items with company logos are also soon to be provided.

BCL remains the preferred future developer of the Panguna mine by many customary landowners and other members of the community and the local team plays an important engagement role for the company.

