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Bougainville Live Community Latest News
Bougainville Copper Limited is proud to support SME’s within the Panguna district, sponsoring 10 participants for a Financial Literacy Training program. The participants were selected at random from different disciplines of engagement that were common within Panguna. A total of 175 individuals undertook the 3-day Financial Literacy Training program conducted by PNG SME Directory.
Among the attendees, there was a selection of gold miners/buyers, trade store owners, education professionals, Primary School Board Members, small heavy equipment company clerks/assistance and community government representatives. Those who had a role in managing finance within their small entities were also in attendance.
The company was encouraged to assist the small number of business owners to attend the training, as it was identified there has been a lack of education in Bougainville regarding the management of finances, understanding of the taxation system, cash flow and budgeting.
PNG SME Directory now has an office in Section 11, Arawa. All participants are advised to call in to the office for further explanation of any areas that they were not able to understanding throughout the training.

