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As Ples: Enamira Village, Upper Tailings, Panguna
Occupation: Village Liaison Officer

Meet Daniel Nari. He grew up with the development of the Panguna Mine and is now working with BCL as a Village Liaison Officer. He has experienced the positive and negative sides of mining and in his opinion, to continue with mining is one of the better options for the economy.

Daniel went to primary school at Demori Primary School, unfortunately, the crisis put his studies on hold. During the crisis, Daniel stayed at home, and after the cease fire and peace agreement, re-enrolled into Arawa Secondary School to complete my studies. Daniel was accepted into Maiden Technical College to undergo a medical degree. Due to financial problems, he was unable to attend. This didn’t deter Daniel, he went back to his village, and started working with youths and the local level government as an executive officer.

Daniel has also contributed to his village through infrastructure, as one of his many hobbies include building traditional houses. When he isn’t working or building houses, Daniel is supporting the Sydney Roosters with his family.

“If you go to my village, almost all the houses there were built by me.”